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Home Faculty and Staff Resources Fundraising Resources

Fundraising is an integral part of the activities at our colleges at every level, providing resources that allow our colleges and students to engage in activities that aren't covered by state funds.

Students, employees, departments, and clubs all play an important role in our relationship with our donors. When we work together, we maximize the results for all of us and provide opportunities for people in the community to engage in meaningful ways with our district and colleges. 

The Los Rios Colleges Foundation coordinates all fundraising appeals to ensure that efforts complement and don’t compete. This also ensures that the legal non-profit 501(c)3 status of the Foundation is protected and that donors are acknowledged and receipted as required by the IRS.

Types of Fundraising

Types of Fundraising

Learn more about the three types of fundraising: internal, external, and third party.

Types of Fundraising