The Promise to Career Nursing Scholarship supports students at the two Los Rios campuses that have nursing programs: American River College (ARC) and Sacramento City College (SCC). Both of these programs are widely known for their excellent teaching and clinical training, and for the outstanding nurses who graduate each year. You can support nursing students directly by making a gift to the Promise to Career Nursing Scholarship fund!

This fund is part of the broader Los Rios Promise to Career Scholarship effort, which provides support to students in our career education programs to help remove barriers to success. The Promise to Career Nursing Scholarship supports nursing students as they graduate from our programs. They will be ready to get to work and serve patients around our region as soon as they can. The State of California continues to have a nursing shortage which has been made more severe by the pandemic, and there is a need to get these students licensed and into the workforce.
Before they can embark on their new careers, however, nursing students have one last hurdle: completing their testing and licensing requirements. Testing and licensing fees now cost $500 per student. You can help to remove this barrier by supporting our Promise to Career Nursing scholarship! Each year we will support as many nurses at ARC and SCC as we can with "finish line" scholarships to remove any last barriers that stand in the way between them and their new careers.
Please contact the Los Rios Colleges Foundation at (916) 568-3075 or
Make a Gift to Promise to Career Nursing
To make a gift via check to the Promise to Career Nursing Fund, please make it payable to "Los Rios Colleges Foundation" and specify that you are supporting the Promise to Career Nursing Fund. And if you are an alum from our nursing program, please let us know by including your graduation year!
Mail Check
Los Rios Colleges Foundation
1919 Spanos Court
Sacramento, CA 95825